
#WebisodeFriday Returns! Watch Now: "Letting the Land Speak"

Meet Patterson Webster, a visionary who creates a garden filled with unique sculptures and installations that honour the history of Quebec’s Eastern Townships.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel, and check back every Friday for a new webisode, expanding the story of one of our Season 2 gardeners.

And don’t forget the broadcast premiere of the full-length episodes of Visionary Gardeners, Season 2 is this Monday, May 6 on VisionTV (9pm ET / 6pm PT).

Meet a Remarkable Group of Creative Gardeners in Season 2 of Visionary Gardeners

“The real challenge of making Visionary Gardeners Season 2 was narrowing it down to just ten,” said producer/director Ian Toews. “We meet so many excellent gardeners across Canada, so those we followed this season are a just the current cross section of many more. This series strives to film people who really push against the definitions of what gardening is. So, we have a garden designer who is more interested in rocks than plants, another who propagates tiny bog plants, and another who uses her garden more like an outdoor art gallery — just to name a few.”

Read more about the new season of Visionary Gardeners here, and watch a clip from the premiere episode below, featuring gardening writer Marjorie Harris.

Soviet Bus Stops - Victoria Premiere, May 12

Hey Victoria—don't miss the bus! Make sure to catch our hometown Victoria premiere of Soviet Bus Stops, as part of Design Victoria at The Vic Theatre on Sunday, May 12 (5pm). Q&A with Producer Ian Toews to follow.

Get your tickets here.

“★★★★★★...a tribute to the silent and hidden struggle for freedom.” — Kulturinformation

“★★★★★☆…completely and utterly enriching.” — Ordet

“...wonderfully nerdy...” — Anders Holbæk, Magasinet arkitektur/design

Soviet Bus Stops has screened and been nominated for awards, including CPH:DOX (Denmark), Docville (Belgium - Ranked #5 in Audience Award Top 10), Millennium Docs Against Gravity (Poland), and was part of a North American tour for the Architecture & Design Film Festival (NYC, Toronto, Vancouver, Chicago).

It was the Winner of the ArchFilmLund Prize at the Lund Architecture Film Festival, and was nominated for a 2024 Danish Academy Award (The Robert Prisen).

Watch the Trailer.